Resource Expected Achievements

Insights into resource expected achievements and templates.

Resource Expected Achievements refers to the allocation and planning of work for a resource, related to project/resource managements.

It involves setting up various parameters for a resource, such as the number of hours they are expected to work, the percentage of those hours dedicated to customer-related work, the amount of time off (absence), and internal hours (work related to internal company matters).

The purpose of defining these expected achievements is to have a structured plan for how a resource’s time will be allocated and to ensure that the resource is working in alignment with the goals and objectives of the organization. By specifying these parameters and percentages, you can calculate and monitor how many hours the resource should be spending on customer-related tasks, internal activities, and their absence.

This approach helps in resource planning, workload management, and tracking progress toward specific objectives or contractual obligations. It also allows for more efficient and effective resource allocation, ensuring that resources are used optimally to meet project or organizational goals.

Expected Achievements Template

To calculate the expected achievements for resources, first it is needed to set up a template.

  1. Choose the 🔎 icon, enter Resource Expected Achievements, and then choose the related link.
  2. Create a template from Actions -> Expected Achievements Template.
  3. Specify the Start Date and End Date of when the template is valid to calculate resource achievements.
  4. Define resource management parameters in % such as Average Price, Absence %, Overtime%, Customer%, Internal %, Chargeable % ..etc.
  5. The above parameters will be later used to calculate Resource Expected Achievements.

Resource Expected Achievements

To view the expected achievements fo each resource, you need to create them first.

  1. From the Resource Expected Achievements go to Actions -> Create Resource Achievements.
  2. Select the Template Name,and whether you will create the achievements for a Resource/Resource Group/Resource Sub Group.
  3. Select the Period Type, Start Date and End Date corresponding to the period during which the expected achievements will start and end.
  4. Select OK and the expected achievement lines will be created.
  5. The hours for each of the parameters are calculated as a product of the total capacity for the selected period, and the % of each parameter from the template.
  6. Depending on the calculated parameters, and the Average Price, Expected Revenue is calculated for the selected period.
  7. You can filter on Resource, Resource Group, Resource Sub Group and Date, to retrieve the desired records.