Pryme Matters Release Notes

5.5 (February 2025)

  • #239 Problem with deadlocks in Matter to invoice
  • #240 Acc to invoice LCY is showing a strange amount in Matter to invoice

5.4.2 (February 2025)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #236 Error when changing the Due Compliance password

5.4 (January 2025)

Application enhancements

In this release, we have introduced major updates to the invoicing process, enhancing functionality and improving overall efficiency.

Matters to Invoice (Invoice Creation)

Significant enhancements have been made to the Invoice Creation List, now renamed Matters to Invoice. It is now possible to invoice directly from the list using a date filter. Created documents and related draft invoices are easily accessible. Two new factboxes, Posted Documents and Invoicing Details, offer detailed information and greater clarity to enhance the user experience.

Improved and new Invoicing Statuses

Enhanced Invoicing Statuses, including Create Invoice and Invoice Created/Not Posted, bring greater clarity to the process. Additionally, two new statuses, Invoice Approved and Invoice Rejected, have been introduced to support the Invoice Approval workflow.

Invoice Description Synchronization

Minor corrections are often made to the descriptions on invoices used for specification. However, if the invoice is recreated, these changes are lost. With the new feature, any description updates made on invoice lines will now automatically reflect on the originating entry. This functionality can be enabled via the setting Sync. Description from Sales Line in the Progressus Project Setup and applies to both the description and extended description fields.

Combined Invoice and Specification

You can now create a combined document that includes both the Sales Invoice and Specification. This feature is enabled through a setting in the pryme Matters Setup. The combined document is accessible from the Matters to Invoice list and can also be downloaded directly from the Sales Invoice.

Approval Status

The Approval Status now tracks the progress of invoices through review and approval stages. The status is updated when the invoice is sent for review or approval, or when the reviewer/approver takes action, ensuring a clear record of the invoice’s current stage. This helps to prevent changes once the invoice reaches the approval stage and ensures a smoother workflow.

Invoice Review Notification and Workflow

This new feature simplifies the invoice review process by allowing the assignment of a designated reviewer for each sales invoice. When an invoice is created, the action Request Review sends an e-mail notification to the assigned reviewer, containing key invoice details such as client, number, and amount, along with the combined draft PDF and links to approve, reject, or request a more detailed review. The system provides a setting to assign the reviewer as the Matter Responsible, Client Responsible, or a custom reviewer on the pryme Matters Setup or the Sales Invoice.

Draft Invoices List and Simplified Invoice Review

A new, simplified view is introduced for faster and more efficient invoice review. When a draft invoice is created, a tailored list of invoices is displayed for the assigned Matter or Client Responsible. The Draft Invoices List is filtered by views such as “In Process,” “Rejected,” and “Approved,” with easy access to a pre-created PDF containing the draft invoice and specification. The “Approval Status” field on the Sales Invoice allows the reviewer to approve or reject the invoice, automatically updating the matter’s invoicing status accordingly.

The Invoice Review page offers a simplified view of the Sales Invoice for reviewing details such as customer information, sales lines (both group and underlying), with options to make minimal adjustments or review/approve, and excluded lines. Rejection requires a comment, which is stored in a new Review/Approval Log table linked to both the Project and Invoice. This table also tracks every change to the Invoice’s Approval Status.

Invoice Approval Notification and Workflow

This new feature enhances the invoice approval process by allowing the assignment of a designated approver for each sales invoice. Once an invoice is created, the action Request Approval from the Sales Invoice triggers an email notification to the assigned approver, containing key invoice details such as client, number, and amount, along with the draft PDF and links to approve, reject, or request a more detailed review. The system allows the approver to be set as the Matter Responsible, Client Responsible, or a custom approver through Pryme Matters Setup or the Sales Invoice. If the invoice is approved, it moves forward to posting; if rejected, it can be edited or sent back for further review and approval.

The review and approval processes can complement each other, but they can also function independently, with either one being used separately.

Invoicing Instructions for Posted Sales Invoices

Invoicing Instructions can now be accessed from posted sales invoices, in addition to when creating or adjusting invoices. These instructions, which include details on pricing, discounts, and special requirements, may be general or specific to a matter or client, and can be marked as permanent or one-time. While users can view the invoicing instructions on posted sales invoices, they cannot edit them.

5.3 (October 2024)

Application enhancements

Post selected time entries directly from the timesheet.

This new feature allows authorized users to post time entries directly from the timesheet, bypassing multiple steps when needed. You can still add new entries to the timesheet even after some have been posted. Learn more here

Filter Client Engagement Report on Write Off’s

A new filter for write-offs is now available on the request page of the Client Engagement report, allowing you to refine the data displayed in the report.

5.2 (August 2024)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #172 Error message when using only split billing and different currencies

5.1 (July 2024)

Application enhancements

Batch Copy Matter

The new Batch Copy Matters enhancement allows you to quickly duplicate one or more matters from the previous year, saving time on repetitive tasks. With filters to define which matters are copied, the action duplicates data including tasks, permissions, dimensions, and budgets if selected. Users can adjust dates, choose which budget version to copy, and retain original prices if needed. This feature simplifies the process, ensuring only the desired matters are copied without duplicating all data.

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #154 Amount to Invoice not updated properly on Resource Hours FacBox

5.0 (June 2024)

Application enhancements

Added new columns in Resource Hours FactBox

New columns have been added to the Resource Hours FactBox on Invoice Creation page. These columns display the total hours and amount selected for invoicing for each resource in the project. The purpose is to exclude closed entries from consideration for invoicing.

4.6.3 (June 2024)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #135 Updated prepaid fee & pro-rated price adjustment when using enhanced invoicing

4.6.2 (May 2024)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #128 Updated Upgrade code to support recent changes of BC24 for Client Engagement Report

4.6.1 (May 2024)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #121 Added Upgrade code to support recent changes of BC24 for Client Engagement Report

4.6 (May 2024)

Application enhancements

Invoice Creation for Contracts

When multiple matters are combined into a contract, it is desirable to review entries from all the matters in one place before creating the invoice. The new Invoice Creation - Contracts page, similar to Invoice Creation per matter, displays invoicing data for all contracts and combines details for all matters on the contract.

Invoice Instructions now apply to contracts and can be accessed on the Invoice Creation - Contract, Contract Card, and Contract Plan pages. Similarly, Invoicing Status and Invoicing Responsible apply to contracts and are accessible on the same pages.

4.5 (April 2024)

Application enhancements

Bulk Complete Matters Enhancements

  • Added Confirmation dialog for completing matters
  • Extended possibility to include internal matters in the search

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #105 Invoicing Status does not update when a sales invoice is deleted
  • #108 Invoices created from Invoice Creation always uses old invoice process
  • #109 The value Securities Returned is not displayed correctly in Bulk Complete Matters
  • #113 Matter is not completed from “Bulk Complete Matters” when Sales Credit Memos exist

4.4 (February 2024)

Application enhancements

Bulk Complete Matters

When it comes to wrapping up matters, distinguishing between those ready for closure and those requiring further attention can be challenging using the standard matter list. However, a dedicated Bulk Complete Matters page enhances this process by presenting a curated set of matters for review. This page furnishes pertinent data to facilitate decisions regarding matter completion. Thanks to its filtering functionality, users can easily identify matters ready for closure, showing which processes need fulfillment before finalizing the matter’s status.

Excess Fee Lines Enhancements

A new field allowing users to Disable Excess Fee Lines has been incorporated into the Matter Ledger Entries. This enhancement offers greater flexibility in accommodating various scenarios and enables customized utilization of the Prepaid Fee feature to align with your company’s specific requirements.

Showing Totals on Resource Hours FactBox

Now, there’s no need for scrolling in the Resource Hours factbox to count the totals for each resource. The factbox now features a Total line at the beginning, which dynamically updates after every modification made to the Invoice Suggestion Lines.

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #92 Factbox is not updated in Invoice creation when putting an date filter.

4.3 (January 2024)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #75 Resolved layout issue: Resource Specification shows layout for Client Engagement Report
  • #83 Projects cannot be completed when connected to a contract

4.2.1 (October 2023)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #79 Added Job Commission in Tell Me

4.1.3 (September 2023)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #72 Upgrade code for agreement groups and dimension

4.1.2 (September 2023)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #66 Agreement Groups missing in the Job Ledger Entries

4.1.1 (August 2023)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #63 Fields in the Resource table aren’t updated on migration of Resource Analysis

4.1 (August 2023)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #52 Move transaction in Create Invoice does not update the page directly without the moved lines
  • #57 Unselect chargeable in Create invoice without choosing a line, opens all the lines

4.0.1 (July 2023)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #54 Upgrade code fix - FlowField in DataTransfer

4.0 (June 2023)

Application enhancements

Resource Analysis moved to Pryme Time

The Resource Analysis functionality is moved from the Pryme Matters app to the Pryme Time app. Resource Expected Achievement, Resource Amount Analysis, Resource Time Analysis and Departments are moved out. This does not cause any change to users.

3.2 (May 2023)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #1202 Field “Amount Inv. Sugg” in Invoice Creation Card, should be updated accordingly when changes are applied in the lines
  • #1205 Closing a matter/project does not trigger an error when there are unpaid invoices, invoiced from contracts

3.1 (March 2023)

Application enhancements

Invoicing Instructions sort order

The invoicing instructions in lists and fact boxes are sorted by modification date, with latest modified first. This makes it easier to see recent changes and additions.

Extended description moved to Pryme Time

The Extended description functionality is moved from the Pryme Matters app to the Pryme Time app. This does not cause any change to users.

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #1112 Error message about client funds when completing matter/project but there is no client funds on the matter/project (balance is zero)
  • #1129 Change shortcut from “Account Schedule” to “Financial Reports” in Partner Liquidity Analysis

Related changes in Pryme Time 1.5.

3.0 (February 2023)

Application enhancements

Pryme Time tool dependency

Accurately tracking the time spent on various tasks throughout the day is essential for billing purposes and for monitoring of productivity. Pryme Time allows you to keep track of multiple tasks simultaneously. You can start timers, add details, archive, use them in the timesheets, and send email notifications for each unsubmitted timesheet from the past.

Extended Description on Time Matrix and Time Approval views

Extended Description footer and options have been added on Time Matrix and Time Approval pages.

Client Funds per Client Responsible Report

The report is primarily intended to be used as a working basis in the annual routine when lawyers are to report client funds that their clients have had outstanding during the calendar year.

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #1094 Invoicing instructions minor adjustments
  • #1087 Extended Description is empty when not active
  • #1062 Client Funds Factbox slows down opening the Invoice Creation card

2.3 (January 2023)

Application enhancements

Better extended description integration

The extended descriptions on time entries and time journal lines have been moved from separate tables into the time entry and time journal line tables.
This makes extracting the extended description to BI or other reporting easier. It also makes it easy to import data from external systems.

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #1057 Client Funds Statement Factbox is not showing the correct balance when you have more than one transaction on the bank account
  • #1058 Timesheet issue in Pryme Matters using standard texts

2.2 (December 2022)

Application enhancements

Invoice Creation performance and view

Improved performance of the Invoice Creation page when Optimized Permissions is selected in project setup. Multiple new views for seeing matters where you are the client responsible or the matter manager.

Optimized conflict of interest checks

The conflict of interest check has been optimized for better performance with large datasets. Additional settings to control the COI process can be found in compliance setup.
Information about last modification and last time entry are added to the client lines.
The Matter Client No. and Matter Client Name are added to matter lines.

Invoicing instructions

Reviewing invoicing instruction has been made easier by a new factbox on invoice creation page, the sales invoice page and credit memo page. The factbox lists the headlines of invoicing instructions. The full list of the instructions including details can be opened from the factbox. Invoicing instruction on sales documents are now editable. When new instructions are added, they will be associated with the sell-to customer (the matter client).

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #989 Error message that you can’t change a completed project when completing a project

2.1.2 (November 2022)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #999 Timesheet Entries have Entry No=0, when inserted extended description

2.1.1 (October 2022)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #988 Engagement Report: Fixed Remaining Amt on Open Entries
  • #992 Client Engagement report - Total - error in customer filter when setting filter on resource and date in report page

2.1 (October 2022)

Application enhancements

Improved telemetry

Additional telemetry on prapaid fee invoicing for easier troubleshooting.

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #988 Engagement Report - fix Adjusted Amounts and Accr. Sales Discount

2.0 (August 2022)

Application enhancements

Matter Archiving

Matters can be archived using a “Archive Matter” action on the matter card. Only Matter Archivists (defined on the resource card) can archive and de-archive. Completed matters are blocked from changes, except archiving.

Additional layouts for the Client Engagement report

The report now has three different layouts, the regular, invoiced-only and not-invoiced.

Invoice Creation enhancement

The sell-to customer is shown in Invoice Creation.

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #886 Bug: The Client Engagement Report shows incorrect amounts for price adjusted entries
  • #913 Bug: Bank Account is excluded from Bank Stat. Client Funds when running report without filter on No.

1.8.2 (July 2022)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #880 “Exclude Bank Accs. That Have a Balance Only” only if field is set to false on Request Page
  • #883 Client Engagement Report crashed when setting filter on “Project Responsible Filter”
  • #884 Client Engagement Reports displays the same entry twice, from timesheet and journal
  • #885 Creating a Sales invoice for a client which includes the PrePaid fee service fails

1.8.2 (June 2022)

Application enhancements

Client Engagement Report

Line Discount is included (for all usage types) on Invoiced Amount (LCY) and Remaining Amount to Invoice (LCY). Open (time/expense) entries includes any entries on Time and Expense Journal/Batch defined in the Matter Setup.

Liquidity Analysis

A list of historic agreement groups has been added to resources. Liquidity by resource is now calculated using the agreement group at the point in time. This requires historic agreement groups to be manually added.

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #874 The option “True” in ”Exclude Bank Accs. That Have a Balance Only” shows bank accounts with revaluation transactions. The summarization of currency is not correct if there is transactions missing for the currency when you set a date filter. The total summary of “Balance” in LCY is wrong as it summarizes all balance rows in the report
  • #876 Reserved Liquidity Amount doesn’t respect date filter when drill-down.
  • #877 When YTD filter is missing on resource analysis, fields “Usage Hrs. not Inv Year End”/ “Usage Amt. not Inv Year End” are showing correct amount, but the entries shown are only for the fiscal year.
  • #878 When pressing the amount in the “Client Funds Balance (CLY) on the Matter Plan you get a strange error “The filter expression applied to the field Bank Account No. in the Bank Account Ledger Entry table results in more than one range.”
  • #879 Client Engagement Report: When filtering om Resource and Include Summary Matrix, a

1.8.1 (May 2022)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #865 Report Bank Stat. Client Funds shows wrong summary and shows zero amount (exchange rate adjustments)
  • #866 Commission Analysis Filter total by “Performer Agreement Group Filter” should be “Acquirer Agreement Group filter”
  • #870 Resource Analysis: Actuals Client Hours YTD showing incorrect values if YTD Filter is not set. “Invoiced Client Hours YTD” need to show entries for fiscal year only. Net Change YTD is calculated incorrectly.
  • #871 Client Engagement Report: Open entries should be included in the “Remaining Amount to Invoice” and “Remaining Quantity to Invoice”. Open entries should be shown if filtering on the resource (they show when filtering on client &project, but not when filtering on the resource).

1.8 (May 2022)

Application enhancements

Commission Analysis - Filtering options

The Commission analysis can now be filtered by Performer Agreement Group. Filtering is split into filters for what lines to show and filters that control what goes into the totals.

Resource Time/Amount Analysis - Improvements

The fields for usage not invoiced at the end of the period Filtering is split into filters for what lines to show and filters that control what goes into the totals.

Client Engagement report improvements

The report now has setting to control how data is presented. The options include: Hiding details to only show totals. Showing a grand total summary matrix. Including unposted time entries. Truncating long descriptions.

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #861 Creating contract invoices does not set invoicing status to “Invoice Created” on projects covered by the invoice.
  • #864 Resource Agreement Group: Action Dimensions/single raises error

1.7 (April 2022)

Application enhancements

Agreement Group on Matter Ledger Entries

The Resource Agreement is now added to all matter ledger entries for better statistics.

New Invoicing Status Option for Invoice Creation

A new invoicing status: “Await Processing” has been added. After invoices for a matter is posted the status will automatically reset to “Await Processing”.

Inv. creation actions on matters and contracts

The list, card and plan pages for matters and contracts now has actions for direct access to invoice creation.

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #843 Missing filters in Bank Stat. Client Funds and filter on “Matter” and “Client Funds” = Yes shows all bank accounts
  • #845 Aquirer Commission is not updated correctly on transaction when using function “Move Entries” in “Matter Ledger Entries”
  • #846 Move entries function doesnt move the extended descirption
  • #852 Possible to remove filters in Resource and Commission Analysis views

1.6 (March 2022)

Application enhancements

Prepaid fees with excess invoicing

You can now set up prepaid fees for services to be rendered. Time spent on the tasks covered by the fee will only be invoiced proportionally for the part that exceeds the time included in the fee.

Separate absence from other internal time

You can now designate tasks as “Absence” and absence time will be reported separately from other internal time in the resource time analysis.

Invoice creation improvements

The invoice creation page has been restructured to be faster and easier to use.

General performance improvement

A number of optimizations has been made to improve the overall response time of pages and reports.

Timesheet standard text improvements

New standard text can now be created directly from the standard text lookup in timesheets. Standard texts now create a continuous description text intelligently, line breaks are only inserted on empty lines or lines ending with a period.

Time entry description rules improvements

Rules can now allow words to be part of another word. Example “admin” could also trigger “administration”. The highlight coloring is now lighter and more colorful to improve legibility.

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #828 Liquidity Analysis showing reversed sign for CM in the field “Unpaid AR-Fee Renumeration”

1.5 (January 2022)

Application enhancements

Invoicing instructions

You can create instructions on both clients and matters. The instructions will be available from invoice creation and on invoices. Any instruction not marked as one to be kept for the future will be removed when the invoice is posted.

Define Work Type per task on the matter and default on time entry

You can set a default work type on each task. If set, it will automatically be the default on time entries for that task.

Hide inactive resources from resource analysis

Resources marked as blocked are now excluded from resource analysis views. But you chose to explicitly show then if needed.

Separate accounts for client fund from general bank accounts

To be able to manage exchange rates changes on bank accounts used for client funds, bank account can be set to be specifically for client funds.

View Client Funds Balance by currency

The client funds balances are shown by currency in invoice suggestion. A new report “Bank Statement Client Funds” shows client funds entries and balances.

Improved Client Engagement report

The Client Engagement report now has the applied filters printed in the header.

Acquirer split on matter defined by company

You can define in commission setup if there should be a page shown to specify acquirers.

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #810 Some combinations of filters on the Client Engagement report do not work correctly
  • #814 Resource Hours FactBox on Invoice Creation is not updated correctly when toggling projects with “Next” and “Previous” record buttons.
  • #827 Client Engagement report is slow, can take more than an hour to complete.

1.4.2 (November 2021)

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #787 Add extended description on PM Detail Posted Invc Spec.
  • #800 Filter field"Act. Inv. Amount YTD (LCY)" on Commission Analysis for type Sale
  • #801 Resource Analysis Views are slow due to WIP columns

1.4.1 (November 2021)

Application enhancements

Improvements on Resource Analysis Views

  • Improved YTD filtering

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #790 Incorrect error message text when there are no entries for entered filters on Client engagement report
  • #793 Adjust prices prorated calculates the Line Amount Excl VAT wrong when there is a Line Discount
  • #795 Allows Liquidity Analysis allows incorrect date filter
  • #796 Client engagement report filters on person responsible, not project manager

1.4 (November 2021)

Application enhancements

Client Engagement report

New report detailing all usage with details in how much is invoiced, written off, and remaining. The report is grouped by client and matter with detailed summaries for each subtotal.

Due Compliance search validation

Searching for a legal id that is not numeric will now abort the search and inform the user that only fully numeric ids are allowed.

Improvements on Resource Analysis Views

New fields on Resource time & amount

  • Usage Amt / Hrs Not Inv. (LCY) Year Start”
  • Usage Amt / Hrs Not Inv. (LCY) Year End”
  • Adjustments (LCY) YTD

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #772 Fixed extended desc for Proj Time Journal.
  • #758 WIP in resource analysis views do not respect the true closing date.
  • #769 Added extended description for res inv spec

1.3 (October 2021)

Application enhancements

Restrict access to resource analysis views

Only resource administrator can see all resources in the resource analysis views “Liquidity Analysis”, “Commission Analysis”, “Resource Amount Analysis” and “Resource Time Analysis”.

Confirm changes to customer from external system

A confirmation page is shown when change the Legal Id. On a customer triggers an update of address information. The page shows the current and proposed address with changes highlighted.

Search for VAT no. in Conflict-of-Interest

VAT No. is added as a search term in the Conflict-of-interest search pages. A column with the VAT No. is shown for clients and contacts found in Conflict-of-interest search pages.

Fixes and minor adjustments

  • #422 “Adjust prices prorated” sometimes give incorrect (decimal) rounding on total invoice
  • #742 Outlook Addin with Ext. Desc.
  • #757 In Invoice Creation Card, FactBox, Resource Hours should show (remaining qty) open usage entries
  • #759 Wrong assignment of Document No. when cancelling the dialog in report Post Commission to G/L
  • #756 Commission Ledger Entries missing date in G/L Posting Date
  • #750 Customize Error on page with Ext. Desc.