Matters to Invoice
2 minute read
Matters to Invoice
The Matters to Invoice list has been improved with a date filter “Invoice Until” on the header, where the default value is the current working date. All totals will be filtered to include only entries up until the set date. Other fields are as follows:
- Invoicing Status- specifies the status of the invoicing process for the specified matter.
- Acc. to Invoice (LCY) - specifies the accumulated amount to invoice specified by the date filter
- Create documents - if marked, autocreates a sales document for the matter.
- Document Queue Status - shows the status of the document auto-creation process.
- Documents - if there is one (the common case) then the document number is shown. The drill-down opens the document(s).
If there is more than one document, then the text multiple (#) is shown and opens a list with the documents.
- Draft Invoice - downloads and shows the documents that have been created. It could be just the sales documents, or the combined ones, depending on how they’re specified in the pryme Matters Setup, and the Report Selection - Sales for Draft Invoices.
Posted Documents Factbox
The Posted Documents Factbox displays a list of the last 5 posted invoices or credit memos related to the matter. A document is considered related if at least one line is associated with the matter.
- This Factbox provides essential details such as document numbers, posting dates, and total amounts for each posted document.
- It offers a quick overview of recent invoicing activity related to the matter, ensuring easy access to important document information.
Some documents in the list can be combined invoices for multiple matters, the Total Amount (LCY) will show the total amount on the document as a whole, which might include other matter for the same client.Invoicing Details Factbox
The Invoicing Details Factbox provides key information related to the invoicing process and the associated matter. It includes details such as contract information, responsible parties, billing cycles, and financial amounts. Additionally, it offers insights into time entries, client funds, and discounts, along with the relevant currency and split information.
- You can drill down for more details, including time entries and financial breakdowns.
- This Factbox ensures that all necessary invoicing information is easily accessible and provides a comprehensive overview of the invoicing details for the matter.