Invoicing Instructions
2 minute read
When creating and adjusting invoices, there can be instructions about how the invoice should be created. Such as: what to include, discounts and pricing and other special instructions. The instructions can be short or quite long (half a page). The instructions can be either general to all matters related to a client or they can be specific to a matter. Some instructions will be permanent and apply to all invoice, others will only apply to the next invoice.
Invoicing Instructions can be created from Matter List/Matter Card, Customer List/Customer Card, Invoice Creation and Sales Documents. Instructions created from the project or client, are marked as such. New instructions created directly on the invoicing suggestion page are marked as being created for the projects, not the client. Each invoicing instruction is marked with information about whether it is a one off instruction, or is it a permanent instruction. One off instructions are to be deleted when the invoice they are used on is posted.
Invoicing Instructions on Invoice Creation
- Choose the 🔎 icon, enter Invoice Creation List and open the page.
- Go to Actions -> Related Information -> Invoicing Instructions.
- You can view invoicing instructions created from the matter or the client.
- If you want the instructions to be permanent, mark Keep.
- It is possible to add as many instructions as needed.
The process to access and create Invoicing instructions is the same from all the mentioned pages.
Invoicing Instructions
Invoicing Instructions are now accessible from posted sales invoices, in addition to when creating or adjusting invoices. These instructions contain important details such as pricing, discounts, and special requirements. They may be either general or specific to a matter or client and can be marked as either permanent or one-time.
- You can view the Invoicing Instructions on posted sales invoices.
- However, these instructions are no longer editable from the posted sales invoice.
Invoicing Instructions Factbox
With a factbox, it is easily to see if there are any invoicing instructions. The factbox is available in Invoice Creation, Sales Invoice and Sales Credit Memo pages. The full list of the instructions, including details can be opened from the factbox.