Step by step Project, Time, Expense, Item

Step by step how to setup Intercompany for Project and Time entries

When setting up Pryme Intercompany Projects, it is essential to follow a structured approach to ensure proper configuration of both sending and receiving companies for transferring projects and time entries. The process involves setting up Parties, Topics, and Subscriptions in the correct order. Below is a step-by-step guide to help with the setup process.

In Pryme Intercompany Projects, data can be transferred using two pre-defined templates. These templates can be used separately or in combination, depending on the types of data being transferred between companies. More details can be found here.

  • Time Entries: This template is used for transferring time entries.
  • Project Ledger Entries: This template includes time entries, as well as expenses and item entries.

For bi-directional data transfer, set up the topics and subscriptions in both companies.


  1. Create a Party in Company A for Company B.
  2. Create a Party in Company B for Company A.


  1. Create a Topic in Company A. Select the template for Projects.
  2. Create a Subscription in Company B for Projects on the Party Code for Company A.
  3. Review and update the table definitions.

Time (Alternative 1)

The pre-defined Time Entries template transfers resources and time entries. When a timesheet is submitted, the entries are transferred to External Time Entries, allowing a project manager to preview the entries. An approval flow is also available for informational purposes only.

  1. Create a Topic in Company B. Select the template Time Entries.
  2. Create a Subscription in Company A for Time Entries on the Party Code for Company B.
  3. Review and update the table definitions.

Expense and Item Entries

If the Time Entries template is used and project ledger entries for expenses and items should also be transferred, use the Project Ledger Entries template for this purpose.

  1. Create a Topic in Company A. Select the template for Project Ledger Entries.
  2. Review and update the table definitions. Add a Condition on the Type field to include only g/l account and item in the data message.
  3. Create Expense Payment Types in Company B and update the Expense Posting Groups.
  4. Create a Subscription in Company B for Project Ledger Entries on the Party Code for Company A.
  5. Review and update the table definitions.

Time (Alternative 2), Including Expenses and Item Entries

If project ledger entries for time, expenses, and items need to be transferred without the option for a project manager to preview the time entries, use the Project Ledger Entries template. With this template, project ledger entries are transferred to a project journal, where they can be posted.

  1. Create a Topic in Company A. Select the template Project Ledger Entries.
  2. Review and update the table definitions.
  3. Create Expense Payment Types in Company B and update the Expense Posting Groups.
  4. Create a Subscription in Company B for Project Ledger Entries on the Party Code for Company A.
  5. Review and update the table definitions.

Summary Table

Company ACompany B
1aCreate a Party for Company B.
1bCreate a Party for Company A.
2aCreate a Topic. Select the template for Projects.
2bCreate a Subscription for projects from Company A and update the table definitions.
TimeAlternative 1, via Time Sheet (External Time Entries)
3aCreate a Topic. Select the template for Time Entries.
3bCreate a Subscription for time Entries from Company B and check the table definitions.
Expense and Item Entries(in addition to Time Entries)
4aCreate a Topic. Select the template for Project Ledger Entries. Update the table definitions. Add a Condition to include only g/l account and item in the data message.
4bCreate Expense Payment Types and update the Expense Posting Groups.
4cCreate a Subscription for Project Ledger Entries from Company B and check the table definitions.
TimeAlternative 2, via Project Ledger Entries (includes expenses and items)
5aCreate a Topic. Select the template for Project Ledger Entries. Update the table definitions.
5bCreate Expense Payment Types and update the Expense Posting Groups.
5cCreate a Subscription for Project Ledger Entries from Company A and check the table definitions.