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Pryme Intercompany Release Notes

    3.0 (June 2024)

    Application enhancements

    External time approval

    When external time entries are received, someone in the receiving company must review the entries before final approval in the performing company. An approval status and comment can be set on the external time entry. This will then be transferred back to the original time entry, so the approver of that time entry will know if the time entry can be approved or needs changes.

    Fixes and minor adjustments

    • #118 Let the user if you have not filled in the options in Project ledger Entries subscription
    • #123 Error when you send a project without having the admin permission set

    2.7 (May 2024)

    Application enhancements

    Automatic currency mapping

    When sending records between companies with different currencies, the system can automatically map the local currency codes.

    The mapping type Currency can be used on subscription fields related to currency. The system will then automatically map a blank currency code to the local currency code of the sending party. Records with a currency code matching that of the receiving party will be mapped to blank.

    The field “Currency Code” on each party must be defined as well as the “LCY Code” on the general ledger setup.

    Fixes and minor adjustments

    • #101 Time sheet currency code is not used when creating the PLE

    2.6 (April 2024)

    Application enhancements

    Easier creation of parties

    The Parties page have been restructured. When creating a new party, the system will suggest a name based on the company name.

    A new field “My Party Code” have been added to the Pryme Intercompany Setup page. This field is used to set the default party code for the company. The party code is used to identify the company in intercompany transactions.

    Conditions for sending records

    Previously, the conditions on a topic limited which records were sent to the receiving company when using the “Create Messages” action.

    Now the conditions always control which records are sent. If a record has passed the conditions and thus have been sent, it will always be sent in the future even if it no longer passes the conditions. This is needed to support scenarios like conditions based on a status field that is updated after the record is sent.

    Easy update of subscription fields

    When fields are added to a subscription, the corresponding topics will often need to have the fields added as well. Previously it was not obvious how to do that.

    A new action “Update Subscription Field” have been added to the Subscriptions page, the Subscription page and the Subscription Tables page. This action will add the fields to the topics.

    Transfer project ledger entries (PREVIEW)

    Project Ledger Entries can now be transferred between companies. A topic set up with “Project Ledger Entries processing type will transfer the entries to the company where the project originated. The entries are either automatically posted or created as journal lines for manual review and posting.

    Conditions can be set up to control which entries are transferred, like only expense or items. By default, the entries are transferred with the price becoming the cost.

    Note that the Time Entries process will still post project ledger entries to the receiving company. So if the Time Entries process is used, the Project Ledger Entries process should not be used for resource entries. In a future version there will be an option to not post external time entries to the project ledger.

    This is a preview feature and to be tested in a sandbox environment. Please contact support if you want to use it in a production environment.

    Fixes and minor adjustments

    • External time entries now use the quantity to invoice as the quantity to post. This aligns better with the final IC invoicing.
    • Fixed price tasks are now converted to chargeable T&M tasks in the receiving company.
    • The External Time Entries page now filters the entries based on project permissions.
    • The “Send to Company” action have been added to the Project Card and Project Plan.
    • #96 Recreating a subscription with a default fixed mapping fails
    • #98 Lookup in subscription mapping to wrong table
    • #106 You need ADMIN IDMYME to send a project through intercompany

    2.5 (February 2024)

    Application enhancements

    Manage subscriptions in a single card

    Subscriptions can now be managed from a single card showing both general settings and the included tables. This makes it easier to see the status of a subscription and to manage the subscription. Special options for different proccessing methods are also managed on the card. The card is available from the Subscriptions page.

    Apply a price template to new IC projects

    When a new intercompany project is created, a price template can be applied to the project. This makes it easier to ensure that the project is set up correctly from the start. The price template is selected on the Subscription Card page.

    Apply an invoice setup template to new IC projects

    When a new intercompany project is created, an invoice setup template can be applied to the project. This makes it easier to ensure that the project is set up correctly from the start. The invoice setup template is selected on the Subscription Card page.

    More consistent mapping of fields with better performance

    The mapping of fields between the sending and receiving companies is now more consistent and has better performance. The default mapping type in subscriptions is now “None”. This relieves the system from unnecessary checking if a mapping exists and makes it easier to understand the mapping. A new mapping type “Fixed” has been added. This is used when the field is always the same receiving companies independent of the value in the sending company. Effectively this can replace the use of mapping with filter from * to a value, but will perform better.

    Fixes and minor adjustments

    • #68 Include “Timesheet PGS” for Resource and also way set as false.
    • #85 Default retention policy in new installations set to 2 months.

    2.4 (January 2024)

    Application enhancements

    Subscription progress

    The progress of a manual subscription run is now shown from the Subscriptions page. This makes it easier to see the progress of a run and to identify any errors.

    External time entries in project plan

    External time entries that are not yet approved and posted should be visible to the PM directly without the need to open the list of external time entries. A column in the project plan “External Time (Not Posted)” that specifies the total amount of time on external time entries that are not yet approved and posted has been added.

    Fixes and minor adjustments

    • #62 Problem with dimensions on tasks
    • #63 Tasks received via IC can have too many dimensions
    • #64 New customer in sending company stops the subscription in the receiving company
    • #53 Topics - Auto Init Subscriptions doesn’t work
    • #55 External Time Entries - Filter setting is not correct in view Not Posted
    • #76 Time entries on Fixed price becomes chargeable when running subscription
    • #81 Copying a company with Azure Service Bus active can deactivate Azure Service Bus
    • #66 Special permissions are needed to allow logging changes to the Changelog table

    2.3 (November 2023)

    Application enhancements

    The list of data content fields now allows searching. This makes it easier to find fields in long lists.

    Fixes and minor adjustments

    • #34 Filter is not working correctly in Topics
    • #35 General fit-n-finish. Included Fields in subscription tables is renamed to Subscription Fields. Source Data Content in subscription tables is renamed to Source Fields.

    2.2 (September 2023)

    Application enhancements

    Skip dimensions for intercompany data

    Specific dimensions can be omitted for intercompany data. This is done by setting the Skip for Intercompany (IDM) field on the Dimensions page.

    Control re-publishing of intercompany data

    When publishing records tables that are also in subscriptions, there is a risk that a received record is published again. This can lead to loops. To avoid this, the new default is that received records are not published again. This can be overridden using the “Allow Republishing” field on the Topic Tables page.

    Fixes and minor adjustments

    • #28 Can not open Topics wizard from IDM role center

    2.1.1 (September 2023)

    Fixes and minor adjustments

    • #6 All dimensions are included for Projects, Tasks and Resources [Intercompany Project only]
    • Table relations are shown for subscription fields
    • Option in Changelog Setup IDM to only log modification when tracked fields are changed. Experimental

    2.1 (August 2023)

    Application enhancements

    Intercompany Project app

    New app with predefined processing for intercompany projects and time.

    Fixes and minor adjustments

    • Preview posting breaks when a topic table is modified during posting.