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Verify Subcontractor

    To verify subcontractor online

    The Subcontractor Verification feature allows users to request and retrieve essential data about subcontractors directly from the HMRC portal. This functionality ensures that the information used for Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) reporting is up-to-date, accurate, and aligns with HMRC guidelines.

    To be ably to do the online verification with HMRC, you need to have the following setup in the Retention tax setup

    • Tax Scheme = CIS
    • Retention Tax Submit = HMRC
    1. Choose the 🔎 icon, search for Vendors
    2. On the vendor list choose the vendor you want to verify.
    3. Under CIS action group, choose the Verify Subcontractor.

    The application communicates with the HMRC portal using secure authentication protocols to request relevant subcontractor data. This data includes key details such as verification status, tax treatment, and compliance information.

    Upon receiving the HMRC response, the application provides a verification outcome. Users can view the Tax Treatment Status, Verification Reference No. and Verification Date of the subcontractor, ensuring that the information aligns with the latest records on the HMRC portal.

    To verify subcontractor manually

    1. Choose the 🔎 icon, search for Vendors.
    2. On the vendor list choose the vendor you want to verify.
    3. On the Retention tax tab, change the Verification Method to Manual, and fill in the Last CIS Verification Date.